I am happy to say that our team's blog has gained international attention. Many thanks to Markus K. for dedicating an entire post to this site. Please show your gratitude by frequenting his blog.
My German is, well, non existent but judging from the pictures it appears to be related to flatwater racing and other things athletic.
In accordance with this post's German theme, today's image shows Jan descending into nirvana as he begins his third and final set on the bench.
And finally dont forget to ask Peter and Radley about their foray into white water kayaking as both raced in this past weekend's run-paddle biathlon. Radley did exceptionally well, blazing the run portion of the event and ultimately finishing in second place. We also offer our condolences to Radley as it must have been difficult biking home with all that cold hard prize money weighing down his back pack - what a fighter.
And it would have been good to have the weights on the picture too and not only a sleeping canoeist!
Why are you so weird? Nice...uh....training commentary. You need a second hobby (in addition to paddling, not blog-writing) if this is how you entertain yourself when not paddling.
Dopple Bitteschoen!!
Where is the report on Sunday's paddling that took two of our kayaks out of action?
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