Saturday's unfavorably cold conditions put us on the canal once again where we paired up and devoured a generous portion of three minute pieces served up by Coach Jerzy (good to have him back on the bike/launch). Many paddlers were disgruntled by the calamitous combo of cold air and reverberating wake that comes with paddling between cement walls. In the end we can all rest assured that both our balance and pain tolerance are much improved.
On Sunday we were back on the river doing 2 km pieces, followed by a team huddle in the grill room with the heat provided courtesy of a brand new wood stove.
Not sure why it took me so long to figure out how to embed videos but anyway - check out this strong paddler from down unda!
Jan's comment just reminded me that he has only half a paddle, and therefore requires twice the attention. This ones for you my friend:
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
The Time is Now
Paddlers should be aware that only 4 months remain in this offseason. Do your best to stave off cold weather induced complacency and direct all the controlled aggression you can muster towards training for the next 16 weeks. For your motivation:
Technorati Profile
Technorati Profile
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Carnage on the Canal
With many of our out of town paddlers coming back to DC for the holidays, weekend training sessions are suddenly reminiscient of the long gone warmer days of summer in which some 10-15 boats are on the water at the same time.
Heavy storms on Thursday and Friday resulted in a ridiculous amount of wooden debris floating down the river on Saturday and Sunday. To avoid risking damage to our kayaks we opted to have it out on the slow and steady C&O canal - where Peter and John broke their boats...on debris.
Heavy storms on Thursday and Friday resulted in a ridiculous amount of wooden debris floating down the river on Saturday and Sunday. To avoid risking damage to our kayaks we opted to have it out on the slow and steady C&O canal - where Peter and John broke their boats...on debris.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I am happy to say that our team's blog has gained international attention. Many thanks to Markus K. for dedicating an entire post to this site. Please show your gratitude by frequenting his blog.
My German is, well, non existent but judging from the pictures it appears to be related to flatwater racing and other things athletic.
In accordance with this post's German theme, today's image shows Jan descending into nirvana as he begins his third and final set on the bench.
And finally dont forget to ask Peter and Radley about their foray into white water kayaking as both raced in this past weekend's run-paddle biathlon. Radley did exceptionally well, blazing the run portion of the event and ultimately finishing in second place. We also offer our condolences to Radley as it must have been difficult biking home with all that cold hard prize money weighing down his back pack - what a fighter.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Cut and Run

Or as Johnny D would say, don’t run at all. I decided to forgo the running portion of today's workout in favor of giving myself an extra 30 minutes to lie in bed and psyche myself up for my first attempt at touch screen voting. I was pretty nervous considering all the recent press reports claiming that even the people whose job it is to show you how to use the machines are irreparably befuddled by the technology. Ok this isn’t supposed to be a political blog, nor is it supposed to be sarcastic or cynical so I'll stop here. Today's picture is a view of the section of river on which we most frequently do battle. We like to inter-mingle metric and standard measurements - this is reflective of the diverse cadre of national and international paddlers we have on our team
Monday, November 06, 2006
Anaerobia Phobia

Today we decided to see what it feels like to unexpectedly gain 10 pounds the night before an intense sprint workout (workout demanded we add 10 pounds to our boat). Everyone focused on maintaining a consistent pace for each piece despite a seemingly endless barrage of "ready-set-go" commands from Andrew "the man with the watch" Soles. Above is a satellite image of our beloved 250 meter course (its 246 meters according to Google Earth)
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