Old Man Winter finally decided to start flexing his muscles as temperatures dipped into the single digits this morning. Perhaps he is worried that all this talk about global warming is going to trump the attention he usually gets from previous pseudo natural disasters such as "ice storm '96" and "blizzard of the century" or one of the other names that the fear conjuring hype masters of local news live by in D.C. Or perhaps he is challenging local athletes as if to say, "You know, you could stay in bed under your wimpy down comforter that your mom bought you at Target. Or you could brave the cold and fight for your place on the awards stand by hitting the gym as hard as you know you can."
Luckily, relief from the ice flows comes in the form of a ballroom filled with ergometers. These machines are great because they roughly replicate the pain one feels when paddling a kayak, without being distracted by the exciting sensation derived from actually paddling on the water.